
Puppies & Testimonials

Hi! I wanted to update you on Keith “Sheldon “ he is 25 lbs and the light of our lives. Lulu tolerates his no puppy play but loves him. We are so thankful for him and wanted to share.

Thank you so much. We are in love with our new baby. You all did so much to make this happen.
He is wonderfully great! We love him so much. Thank you! We named him Hudson. The best part is my son is not allergic at all.

Just wanted to say thank you and send a picture update of our girl!
-Jamie M.
First of all, we are madly in love with this adorable, sweet, affectionate and playful puppy! You have brought us such a lovely puppy, and we feel so grateful for all you do to prepare these sweet dogs for their forever homes. Bennie is everything could have hoped for… and so much more! Our family has been over daily since his arrival to play with him, cuddle him, and take stroller walks in the neighborhood. Bennie is doing well on his potty training.. We remind him and take him out after meals, and within an 1 hour or less of playtime. He goes happily into his crate at night time. He gets up with a whimper (our alert) about 2 times during the night. I pick him up from his crate and take him out onto our bedroom balcony, which is covered in artificial turf. It is working out great.. and of course, Bennie is so smart and know just what to do..;)!!Today is the first day that I have had a moment to sit and catch up on emails and phone calls. Right now he is comfortably sleeping at my feet. He’s a handful, but brings so much joy, laughter and happiness to everyone who meets him.
Thank you so very much!
– Risa and Marty
Wonderful family! Beautiful And Happy dogs! It was a very hard choice because all three puppies are awesome and very cheerful!
-Kathy S.

She’s settling in nicely in her new home. She even slept all through her first night. She loves her new orange balls and teddy bear. Please thank the kids for taking such good care of her for us.
-Rebecca S.
Hi, We adopted Andrew from Spunky and Annika’s littler and he is the best dog ever! Would love to get him a brother. We are very interested… are they having puppies any time soon?
-Leslie S.

I got a bernedoodle from you 3 years ago. Love him. Zandra and Sammy litter. I think his name was Caleb. We named him Bruno. This dog is the love of my life.
Thank you.
-Marisa U.
Hello, Rose-
Just wanted to give you an update on Summer, who we call Azula. She is wonderful! She is the best addition to our family and is having the time of her life meeting tons of new people and dogs in our neighborhood. We just love her. Thank you!
-Lisa H.
Hi Rose, Micah and Jacob. I’m happy to report that we now have a lovely little Goldendoodle (renamed Poppy) from Jacob to join our Bernedoodle (Juno). They are amazing dogs. Gentle but playful and very social. Must be the children who tend to them from their first days! My kids are so happy! Juno and Poppy were born exactly 3 years apart. May 31 2018 and May 31 2021.

Here are some images of Benny (Alex). He is such a smart boy and is already potty trained and knows his basic commands. He is such a joy to our family. Thank you so much!

Sophie is the absolute joy of our family, she is loving, extremely smart, full of personality and lots of spunk. We have had many poodles and poodle mixes and she has by far captured the hearts of us all beyond our wildest expectations. She loves to ride on our boat, play with her ball, love and kiss on anyone who she can and relax on top of the hottub! At doggie daycare she is Ms. Social and loves to play! She was a great companion for my dad during COVID as they did many hikes through the mountains of Vermont. She is about 28lbs full grown (5 years old as of Dec 18, 2021)

Hi Rose!
I just wanted to send an update to let you know Dakota is doing great. He has been such a wonderful addition to our family and we just love him so much! He was six months old yesterday. He is super playful and wonderful with the kids. Everyone always stops to tell us what a handsome & happy puppy he is — and he truly is! He loves eating peanut butter, playing with his toys, running and digging on the beach, and cuddling for movie nights. He is growing up to be a big and strong boy, and he is super healthy. We wanted to send you some pictures so you could see just how great he is doing.
Thank you for everything,
–Eileen & kids

Ted Danson(above) is from Zandra’s 2018 Christmas litter.
Hi Micah and Rose,
We wanted to send you a quick note to update you on our bernedoodle, Scotty who we renamed Bogey.
Bogey is a playful pup who is slowly becoming accustomed to the city life in Chicago. Because we have all been quarantined, it has been a great time to get out on long walks, play at the park and get a lot of exercise! His best dog friend next door, Ferris, keeps him on his toes and they spend time every day wrestling in his yard.
Bogey has not had an accident in the house in a few days and seems to understand the drill of going outside to go. He has slept in his crate through the night most nights and doesn’t whine very much.
We are working on leash training and “come!” He is beginning to understand “look at me” and “sit” and basically just wants to do whatever his older brother, Fergus, is doing. He LOVES to snuggle with us and the term “personal space” means nothing to him. 🙂 Many people stop us and tell us how cute he is and we agree!
Overall, Bogey has brightened up our home and we are so grateful to have so much time with him right now while we are working from home. He continues to make strides every day and we can’t wait to see all of the things he learns over the next few months. We can’t thank you enough for taking such great care of him before he became part of our family. We are thrilled with Maple Valley Puppies and will definitely recommend you guys to anyone who asks for a lovable bernedoodle!
-Erin and Alex H.

This is Remi (formerly Sharlene) from Sheila and Nacho?s litter. She is 26lbs at 2yrs old. She is SO sweet and has such a laid back personality. Our family loves her so much!! She loves to cuddle, eat treats, go to the park, and play with her buddies!
–Brian & Kimberly R.
Hi Micah,
I hope your enjoying a wonderful summer with your family. We are enjoying our summer with our puppy. I thought you’d like to see an update on Bernie (Connor). He is 5 months and 35lbs now, and doing great. He is heathy, smart, sweet and a total goofball, not mention that he is a great looking dog (I’m biased of course). The kids are so happy with him and so are we!
Hi Owen,
I just wanted to tell you that Rizzo (Larissa and Barry’s litter formerly ‘Larry’ born August 15, 2017) is the best dog one could have hoped for. He is so sweet and gentle. He loves kids, adults and other pups. He was SO easy to train and has the best personality. He just turned one this August and we are already hoping to get him a brother or sister! We hope Barry and Larissa have another litter!! Thanks so very much.
Otto has been a great addition to our family! While he does have tons of puppy energy and can easily keep up with our three young children, he is also the most cuddly loveable guy! At 6 months old and around 35 lbs he is still a lap dog, and something tells me he always will be! He was a great sleeper from the very beginning and with the help of some obedience training is becoming a very well behaved dog. He is so smart and from day one he would whine to tell us he had to go to the bathroom which made house breaking very easy. He is also extremely social with other dogs and on the occasion that we have had to board him he has done great. I can’t tell you how wonderful he is with our children (ages 7, and 3 year old twins) and what a valued part of our family he is. Thanks!
Hello Micah! I just wanted to let you know that Connor is doing great! He is such a sweet dog.
–The Hickman Family
Merry Christmas Owen! Dudley is doing great. What a great puppy. He is from Kristi and Nacho born May 12, 2018. Weighs 20.6 pounds and just turned 7 months old.
–Kathy G. B.
Thank you so much for our adorable puppy! Charlotte (formerly Erica from Nacho & Emily) just turned 5 months old and weighs 9 pounds. We love having a little golden doodle! She is smart, funny and adorable! She is great with our grandchildren. She loves camping and going for boat rides. She is the perfect puppy for us! Our vet commented that she could tell Charlotte came from a good breeder and we agree. It was a pleasure to deal with Owen and with Charlotte’s guardian family. Thank you!
13 weeks old and doing Great. Soooo smart. Sleeps all night. Awesome Pup!!! Thank you!
My husband and I are so happy with our dog from Maple Valley! Sherrod from Sheila/Nacho (re-named Charlie) has been such a great addition to our lives. He’s just over 30 pounds, is about a 20″ tall at the shoulders, and his main body (without his tail or nose) is just over 24″ long. He’s kept his golden color. Charlie is very smart and even now, at a year and a half, he is still learning how to do new tricks. He’s playful with other dogs, is gentle with and loves our nieces and nephews, and has been my morning running buddy. I keep dropping hints that Charlie needs a brother soon… and we’d definitely go back to Maple Valley! Thank you for raising such a healthy, bright pup for us! Attached are some pictures of him– he LOVES the snow.
Hi Owen!
I wanted to give you an update on Glady, now Lucy, from Glory and Nacho’s litter. She’s doing great! She loves running around in the yard and is so high energy! She’s very smart and has already learned some commands as well as getting the hang of potty training. She’s still quiet but plays with our neighbors dog often and loves meeting new people! Thank you again for her! She weighs 10lbs at 4 months old.
All the best
–Cassidy G.
I love my little boy Wilson (Glen) from Glory/Nacho) He is doing well and growing quickly. I don’t think I could have picked a better puppy. Thank you
–Peggy H.
Hi Owen,
I just wanted to give you an update on Brewer (formerly known as Kristo) from Nacho and Kristi’s November 2017 litter. He’s so sweet and smart and was potty trained within 2-3 weeks! He is a beautiful color and doesn’t shed at all. He loves people and plays so well with other dogs. He’s almost 6 months now and weighs 21 lbs. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog. Thank you!!
–Kate M.
I… wanted to send an update on Oliver (formerly Kade) whose parents are Kayla and Nacho. Oliver is now almost 16 months old and he is the best dog I could ever imagine owning. He is such a lover and amazing with children including my 1 year old nephew and 5 year old niece. He absolutely loves playing with other dogs and is full of energy but he also knows when it’s time to calm down and snuggle. Oliver is so intelligent and the best companion I could have asked for. We had our one year vet visit this week and he is healthy as can be weighing in at 32.5 pounds. I can’t thank you enough for my amazing pup!
Owen, I just wanted to give you an update on the puppy I got from Kristie and Nacho’s litter born in November 2017. Her name is Sophie and she is doing great. She is so sweet and lovable. She was housebroke within a few weeks. Our grandkids love her. I have never had a dog with such a sweet personality and so smart. She is 14 lb. at 5 month. Thanks for the beautiful puppy.
We got “Ella” from Emily and Nacho’s litter in September 2016. We named her “Ivy” and she is doing awesome! She kept her apricot color for the most part (a little lighter now) and is 15 pounds. Thanks!
–Abigail (Abbey) S.
Thank You Rabers!
We can’t say enough about how much fun it has been to see Paisley (formerly Primrose of Nacho and Polly?s June 25th litter) grow! She is a mini f1 with an apricot coloring. She quickly learned the commands “sit” and “down” after being brought home. After about three weeks she was mostly potty trained with few accidents. She is very calm and loving and she gets attention wherever she goes. She loves playing with her other dog roommate and doggie friends! The process of reserving, communicating with, and picking up Paisley from the Rabers was so smooth and I recommend Maple Valley to all who ask!!
–C. S.
Hello Owen,
Wanted to give you an update on our puppy that we got in Feb 2017! Peaches (formerly Amanda) was born on Nov 27, 2016! Her parents are Annika and Nacho! She just had her 1st birthday! She is so lovable and we don’t know what we would do without her! She loves her daily walks and greets us every morning when the alarm goes off!! The grandkids love playing with her! She weighs around 24 lbs and doesn’t shed!!! Your puppies are so beautiful! Thanks again.
–Dan and Karen K.
This is Ruby. She is from Kristi and Nacho’s litter born on September 29, 2016. She weighs 24.5 pounds. There has been no shedding at all. She is very friendly and has been easy to train. She has a beautiful apricot coat. Thank you for this amazing dog!
With the help from some dear friends Jasper (from a litter by Jessa/Nacho) was adopted on December 2, 2016 for our sweetest Luke Jones. Luke had been saving his $ for a toy Doodle while battling a hard fought battle with Brain Cancer. And a Toy Goldendoodle was just what Luke needed. In the short 8 months that Luke got to spend with his beloved Jasper he brought him so many smiles and memories I will forever be thankful. Jasper helped Luke get through the hardest days of his life, he made him smile, laugh and the best cuddle partner there ever was. Sadly Luke was called home to heaven on July 21, 2017. Luke was never alone with the help of Jasper, his parents Chad, Nikki and older brother Caleb. Jasper is of course still residing with Lukes parents and brother and I am still trying to figure out a way to dognapp him!! We visit them often and sweet Jasper is always the first to greet us at the door. The first photo is the day Luke was surprised with him. The second photo is the day we snuck him in to see his family at Riley Children’s Hospital and yes they were all surprised and the last pic is Jasper a month ago. Thank you Maple Valley Puppies for bringing a sweet happy smile to Luke’s face.
–Mary Jo

Jackson (previously Jaxson, born May 6th) Is doing so well! He weighs 35 lbs. he sheds very little. He is such a happy dog with so much personality. He makes our family complete! We love him so much!

Hello! I adopted Albus (formerly Nemo) from you in January of 2017, he is from Nacho and Nicole’s Nov 2016 litter. He is now 11 mo old and weighs 41 pounds. He was potty trained in a month, completed puppy classes, and is all around the most happy go lucky sweetest dog ever. Thank you for such a wonderful dog! I recommend you guys to anyone looking to buy a doodle!
This is Fannie formerly known as Fancy from Freedom and Nacho. We purchased her in January of 2017 at the age of two months. She now is 8 months old and the joy of our life. My wife and I could not be any happier than the day we picked her up and brought her into our lives. My wife said the other day, what a void she filled in our lives. Fannie is 18 lbs. and 14 inches high at the shoulders. Her personality is one of pure love and affection. She loves to play, is as quick as a rabbit, and at the end of the day just wants to be close to us and just be loved. Thank you again for providing such a joy into our lives. I am also sending you the picture you posted online, the one that we first saw of her.
Thank you again,
Chris and Kim Z.

Brooke J.
June 2017 Hi Raber Family!I wanted to give you an update on our precious, Luna-June (formally Felicia) from Nicole and Nachos November 2016 litter. Luna is absolutely one of the sweetest and well mannered dogs I have ever owned. She is currently 7 months old and weighs in at 22.5lbs. I knew instantly when I saw her, she was the one for us. Luna-June is very intelligent, loving, playful, and loyal. Luna can sit, stay, lay-down, roll-over, give high-fives, plays fetch, loves the water, hiking, and running endlessly. My family and I are so very blessed to have her in our lives. We are so fortunate to have had the opportunity to connect with you and bring our doodle home. I look forward to adding another pup to our family some day!!
Jenessa L.

Puppies were shale and Sharon. Parents were Sammy and Sheila
They are the best thing that is ever happened to our lives. We had a lot of crazy nutty stuff happened since we’ve had them and they’ve made everything so much easier. Will you preferred people. Anyone said that we were a referral??? Emma or sheila and 23 pounds Ringo or shale Is 30 pounds. We just had Chip put in them. And they are very very healthy and happy.
Thank you so much for being online. I tell people they are our mail order puppies
Hello!We are the proud parents of Sunny (Connor from Nacho and Carmel’s August 2016 litter). We are SOO unbelievably in love with him — he is the sweetest most lovable thing and he brings so much joy. We call him Mr Enthusiasm because he is the happiest, healthiest, most enthusiastic puppy on earth. I’ve attached some pictures 🙂 We are having so much fun with him we are talking about adopting another puppy.
Thank you!
Loren R.

Just wanted to write you and let you know how our sweet puppy is doing!
Tyler (from Teresa and Nacho), who is now named Wrigley (Go Cubs) is the BEST puppy. He is so lovable, calm natured, gentle, and smart!!
He has been doing a pretty intense training.
He goes 3X a week all day and is learning so fast! He lays down and stays put while we eat dinner or put the kids to bed.
He couldn’t have been a better addition to our family!! Thank you!
We recommend Maple Valley Puppies often!!
I would like to add pictures but not sure how. IF you email me back I can then send some pictures!
Hi Owen! I just wanted to write a few lines and give you an update on our Stella (Dalisha). She will be 17 weeks in two days and 20 lbs. We are just in love with her. She is exactly what our little family needed. She fit right in with her big brother and sister Titus and Margo. Her and Titus have become the best of friends and are inseparable. She is full of spunk and SUPER SMART. We all laugh at her silliness and her little facial expressions. She’s got a lot of personality and is so lovable. She walks around on her hind legs begging to be picked up and carried. I guess you can say she’s spoiled rotten. She loves to go for rides in the car and any squeaky toy she can find. She has one more round of puppy shots before I get her spayed. Everyone at the veterinary office thinks she is just a delight. Thank you for raising such wonderful bernedoodles. I’ve had a lot of people ask where I got her from and I recommended maple valley puppies. Thank you so much for our little Stella Mae. We love her so much!
Renee B.
Hi! I just thought I’d share a few pictures with you of our puppy Lilly, previously Shannon of Sheila& Shannon’s litter. She is truly the most amazing puppy, she doesn’t bite or bark. She loves people.
She potty trained very fast and loves running in the backyard. She is very smart, we now have her enrolled in puppy training #3 at 9 months old. We love her so much!
We cannot thank you enough for such a great puppy and have recommended you to anyone who asks.Thank you so much!
The N. Family